Mail Order Systems, what are they?

By |2024-06-13T16:09:05+00:00February 18th, 2015|Categories: White Papers|Tags: , |

Mail order systems at one time only had to provide limited scope, the ability to process orders by Post (remember that?), Fax (That’s the machine in the corner of the office that nobody uses) and telephone would do the job just fine. How the picture has changed. Mail order now encompass a huge range of order [...]

Veggie Shoes steps up to the multichannel challenge

By |2024-10-07T16:25:52+00:00February 18th, 2015|Categories: Articles|Tags: , |

Robin Webb, owner of Brighton-based Vegetarian Shoes, celebrated 20 years in business last year. That's quite a milestone, given the high failure rate of so many small enterprises, particularly those in the retail sector. In many ways, Robin's success reflects his ability to embrace innovation, find the fun factor in most things he does, and [...]